Special Forces Home Defense Academy
Don’t Risk Your Family’s Safety, Your House Might Be NEXT
Special Forces Home Defense Academy
Don’t Risk Your Family’s Safety, Your House Might Be NEXT
As a Green Beret, I was sent overseas to fight the Bad Guys, but what I realized is that there’s plenty of them right here at home.
One day they’re on TV...
the next, they might be in your house!
As a Green Beret I was sent overseas to fight the Bad Guys, but what I realized is that there’s plenty of them right here at home.
One day they’re on TV...
the next, they might be in your house!
They are the looters, the thugs, the burglars who prey on everyday Americans: working-class people struggling to make ends meet, and retirees who just want to mind their own business.
Random violence, home invasions, and even looters storming small businesses are becoming all too common in every corner of America!
And the scariest part is, the Bad Guys are winning! Every day their numbers increase, while the Good Guys are becoming fewer and weaker...
That’s why through my Special Forces Home Defense Academy, I want to create more Powerful Good Guys and tip the scales in our favor. I want YOU to be able to defend your life, your home, and those you love in any given situation!
It doesn’t matter whether you’re in your prime or a senior, a man or a woman… The Special Forces Home Defense Academy is for anyone who wants to better defend their life, family, and property.
Once we complete our training, you’ll be a “Certified Good Guy”… a powerful, capable person that any criminal will think twice about messing with!
You’ll receive a diploma with your name on it that looks just like this. It certifies that you’ve been trained by a Special Forces veteran.
Here’s just a glimpse at what we’ll do together in The Special Forces Home Defense Academy:
Here’s just a glimpse of what we’ll do together in The Special Forces Home Defense Academy:
DIY Backyard Looter Traps for Instant Revenge
DIY Backyard Looter Traps for Instant Revenge
I will show you how to make three Backyard Looter Traps, that are simple to construct.
PLUS, one of them is perfect for getting instant revenge on porch pirates, foolish enough to trespass on your property and steal your packages.
A Simple Zip Tie Technique
to Properly Secure Your Garage Doors
A Simple Zip Tie Technique
to Secure Your Garage Doors
I'll also show you how to burglar proof your garage with this cheap zip tie. Just wrap it around the emergency hinge and no one will be able to open it from the outside.
This is just one of the many ingenious tricks you'll learn in the Special Forces Home Defense Academy to not only secure your garage, but also other vulnerable entry points as well.
5 Counterintuitive Things to Do If You're Getting Carjacked
5 Counterintuitive Things to Do If You're Getting Carjacked
There are 5 counterintuitive things to do if you're getting carjacked at the gas station, as you pull up in your driveway, as you stop at a traffic light or ATM, when you enter your garage, and at other common places where this happens.
Is a 3-Letter Agency Tracking You Right Now?
Is a 3-Letter Agency
Tracking You Right Now?
Does this screen look familiar? It might be a sign that you're being tracked at this very moment!
If you’ve made any of these 10 internet mistakes, there’s a good chance the Government is keeping a close eye on you.
How to Test if Your Dog Will Protect You or Run Away
How to Test If Your Dog Will
Protect You or Run Away
This is the little-known trick that you can use to see if your dog has the guts to stand its ground with you or run away with its tail between its legs.
Test your best friend today! It works for any dog, big or small. Let’s find out!
Crazy Looter Deterrents That Will Scare Them Away
Crazy Looter Deterrents That Will Scare Them Away
Any one of the 7 crazy deterrents that you’ll find in the Academy is going to make a looter believe your house is just not worth the effort. They’ll think twice and move on to a different target.
Why ever risk waking up with a gun to your head when it's so easy to add any one of these to your property.
Signs Your Neighbor Will Become a Looter as Soon as SHTF
Signs Your Neighbor Will Become a Looter as Soon as SHTF
I’ll also show you the tell-tale signs that your neighbor will become a looter as soon as SHTF.
If they’ve asked you any of THESE 3 questions, then you need to ‘Neighbor-Proof’ your property immediately!
How to Avoid Being Targeted During Civil Unrest
How to Avoid Being Targeted
During Civil Unrest
Unfortunately, there's so much false advice on the internet that can get you killed. Many people think that if they make their home look like it's already been looted, the Bad Guys will just move on because there isn't anything valuable inside. But that is a deadly mistake as it will make your house look completely defenseless. Looters and the scum of society will come right in.
Do This Every Time You Lock Your Door
Do This Every Time
You Lock Your Door
I’ll also show you a simple lock trick that makes picking it impossible. It takes just one second and you should do this every time you lock your door.
The First Thing to Do if You Wake Up to Footsteps
Coming Towards You in the Middle of the Night
The First Thing to Do If You Wake Up to Footsteps
Coming Towards You in The Middle of The Night
It’s 4 a.m. You've just heard a loud noise downstairs. A sense of pure terror takes over as you hear footsteps coming up the stairs.
There’s no time to think. It’s time to act!
How to Make a Green Beret Trip Wire for Your Backyard
How to Make a Green Beret Trip Wire
for Your Backyard
Let me show you how it works!
This simple but ingenious device that has proven itself on the battlefield will give you an early warning and enough time to properly welcome your uninvited guests.
This Should NEVER Be Missing from Your First Aid Kit
This Should NEVER Be Missing
from Your First Aid Kit
I’ll also show you exactly how to build your Home Defense First Aid Kit like a Special Forces combat medic. One of the things that was never missing from my kit was the Silver Blood Clotting Gauze. I saved many lives with it. If you're ever been shot, stabbed or even if you accidently cut yourself, there is nothing that can stop bleeding faster than this.
How to Hide from Thermal Vision
How to Hide from Thermal Vision
This technology used to be reserved for the Military.
Now that more and more Bad Guys are getting their hands on thermal tracking devices, you need to know how to outfox them.
Sneaky Inside Secrets to Surviving Martial Law
from the People Who Enforce It
Sneaky Inside Secrets to Surviving Martial Law
From The People Who Enforce It
If you've ever bought a gun or a food stockpile, chances are that someone's going to come knocking at your door.
If you don't want your stuff to be confiscated and to end up empty handed, follow my Martial Law playbook to the letter.
Is Your House a Burglar Magnet?
Is Your House a Burglar Magnet?
92% of home invasion victims were targeted because of THIS dead giveaway.
Stay off a burglar’s radar by removing these common items from your property.
The Exact Tell-Tale Signs That You're Being Bugged Right Now
The Exact Tell-Tale Signs That
You're Being Bugged Right Now
Next, I will reveal to you the exact tell-tale signs that you’re being bugged right now. These are things only someone who’s been in the military can notice.
Elastic Defense Tactics from the Frontlines
to Defend Your Home
Elastic Defense Tactics from
the Frontlines to Defend Your Home
I’m also going to show you how to defend your home against a gang of armed looters swarming your property. This involves setting up multiple defense points overlooking each other. Once you fire that first bullet, you give away your position so you need to move further inside. But you’ll have eyes on the previous one and when they get to it, you can fire from the safety of your new cover.
That, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg...
How to Clear Your Home Like a Green Beret
How to Clear Your Home
Like a Green Beret
I’ll also teach you how to clear your home the way a Green Beret does when breaching enemy hideouts.
You can use this shockingly effective technique to sweep your home room by room if you think there's an intruder and the police cannot get to you in time.
Tactical Anti-Looter Drone
for a Bird's-Eye-View of Your Whole Property
Tactical Anti-Looter Drone For
a Bird's-Eye-View of Your Whole Property
I’m also going to teach you how to turn a basic $90 drone into Tactical Anti-Looter Drone that you can deploy in minutes to get a bird’s eye view of your property.
If recent conflicts have taught us anything, is that drones are quickly becoming an indispensable part of any good defense.
Shield Your Home Against an EMP with
the Same Technology the US Military Uses to Protect Their Bases
Shield Your Home Against an EMP
with the Same Technology the US Military Uses to Protect Their Bases
I'll also show you how to shield your home against an EMP using the same technology the US military has at its bases, on fighter jets, and even on Air Force One.
You can even use it to protect your car. How will it feel to still be able to have a means of transportation for your family when no one else will?
How to Hide Your House from Google Maps
How to Hide Your House
from Google Maps
I'll also show you how to stay hidden from satellites. Don’t make it easy for burglars to plan your home's invasion.
There's a little known loophole that you can use to make your house invisible online.
How to Stockpile Antibiotics Without a Prescription
How to Stockpile Antibiotics
Without a Prescription
In a crisis, pharmacies will get looted and hospitals will be overwhelmed. Even small infections could turn deadly for you or your loved ones.
Using this completely legal medical loophole, you will be able to get antibiotics upfront without a prescription.
What Your Gun Salesmen Will Never Tell You
What Your Gun Salesmen
Will Never Tell You
I'm also gonna reveal secrets that no gun salesman ever will. The best Home Defense Guns and Ammunition are NOT the most expensive nor the most popular ones.
We'll cover them together in the Academy, so if someone armed invades your house, you'll have a tactical firepower advantage over them.
How to Tell if the Law Enforcement Officer
Knocking on Your Door Is Real or Fake
How to Tell if the Law Enforcement
Officer Knocking on Your Door Is Real or Fake
Just because they have a badge, it doesn’t mean they are who they say they are. One way to know for sure is a small detail on their ID.
But if you don't know what to look for, you won’t be able to tell if that’s an officer there to help or a vicious criminal trying to get easy access to your house.
Do This Immediately if You Find an Air Tag Under Your Car
Do This Immediately
if You Find an Air Tag Under Your Car
You may think of an Air Tag as a good way to track your luggage, but criminals know this is actually the best way to track you! Besides burglars, even jealous partners can use these tiny electronic parasites to stalk you.
Not finding Air Tags in time has led to people being robbed, raped or even murdered.
You could have an Air Tag under your car right now! In the Academy, I’ll show you an ingenious way to sweep for hidden Air Tags using a device you're probably very familiar with.
+ 3 Life-Changing Gifts for the First 250 Members
If you decide to act right now and become a member of the Special Forces Home Defense Academy, you’ll also receive a limited-time special offer that includes three additional gifts. Each of these can be purchased separately for $37, but today you’ll receive them for FREE.
The first gift you’ll receive is 75 Items to Stockpile Before The Collapse. This is a comprehensive guide to what items you absolutely need to have in your home to survive a long-term crisis. These are the items that’ll vanish from the shelves first once society collapses and folks turn to looting. These 75 items are specifically chosen for everyday hard-working Americans who earn just enough to make ends meet.
The second gift is called Natural Healing Secrets of Our Grandparents, and is an exclusive collection of natural remedies that were almost lost to history. Before we became dependent on Big Pharma, our grandparents turned to the wisdom of nature for healing and relief. These are the simple home remedies your grandparents made from everyday household goods and medicinal plants that still work today. You’ll find an overview of what herbs and medicinal plants are most effective for treating common ailments like inflammatory and digestive issues, parasites, pain, weak bones, and many many more.
The third gift you can take advantage of is Wild Edibles. Imagine being able to see every part of nature not only as your pharmacy but also your supermarket where you can shop not only for free but find the healthiest foods. Inside you’ll discover how to properly identify the plants growing in the nearby forest, park, or even in your backyard. In a crisis, when shelves will be emptied, this guide can provide you with the food you need.
So today, if you join the Academy, you’ll receive these three unique gifts, which would normally cost you a total of $111, for FREE!
After seeing the courses, the guys from The Lost Skills Academy who kindly organized everything, told me that I could easily charge $599 for the Academy. Although I know these courses are worth this much or even more, I wanted to make this Academy affordable for everyone! That’s why, when I agreed to their terms I had only one condition: that it should be priced under $100.
That’s why, you can push back against the Bad Guys and join The Special Forces Home Defense Academy, get 75 Items That You Need to Stockpile Before the Collapse, Natural Healing Secrets of Our Grandparents, and Wild Edibles guide, for just $99.
On top of that, I pushed for a launch discount that I don’t know how long it will last. And if you are on the fence, I deeply encourage you to take advantage of it now. So instead of $99 which is a good price in the first place, you can get everything I mentioned for just $39.
The Special Forces Home Defense Academy is NOT a subscription. You pay once and you and your family will have unlimited access to it, from your mobile phone, your tablet, your laptop or TV. And you can access it from anywhere in the world.
As your future instructor, I 100% stand behind all the life-saving information you’ll learn here at the Special Forces Home Defense Academy!
But if you’re not completely satisfied, just send us a short e-mail anytime in the next 60 days and we’ll quickly refund your entire purchase.
No questions asked! It’s really that simple!
And because I want you and your family to stay healthy and safe during these unpredictable times, you get to keep 75 Items That You Need to Stockpile Before the Collapse, Natural Healing Secrets of Our Grandparents, and Wild Edibles as my gift to you!
Don’t be an easy target! Take advantage of this one-of-a-kind masterclass to defend your life, family, and property using the same military tactics that have proved themselves in combat.
Look, you might never need to use what I’m going to teach you. And I truly hope that you don’t. But once you learn this knowledge, it’ll stay with you forever!
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to know how long this discounted launch offer will be available. The Academy’s filling up quickly, so I urge you to click the button below to get your unlimited membership plus the 3 FREE gifts today!
About Terry Schappert
Terry is a United States Army Special Forces combat veteran.
Starting his military career in the 82nd Airborne Division, Terry later joined one of the Army’s elite special operations units, the Green Berets.
He spent 9 years active duty in the military, and then left to pursue a different career. He did not touch a gun for 4 and a half years. But after we were attacked on 9/11, Terry decided to re-enlist in the National Guard Special Forces, where he served until 2016. He retired with 25 years under his belt.
He did his job and saved some lives in the process. But after coming back, he realized he could save a lot more lives right here, at home.
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